![Marvel vs capcom infinite characters count](https://sign.faraton.info/32.jpg)
Capcom 3 was criticized for failing to deliver on its promise of a "robust," fully-fledged story despite being released at a time where multiple fighters preceding it or put out around the same period had moved beyond Excuse Plots, Infinite's development team stressed that the game would have an extensive and immersive cinematic Story Mode.
![marvel vs capcom infinite characters count marvel vs capcom infinite characters count](https://gametrex.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Marvel-vs.-Capcom-Infinite-Free-Download.jpg)
The official PlayStation blog for the game specified that it would have "a variety of exciting and accessible single player modes," no doubt alleviating any fears that the game would be catered significantly towards professional players and released with little-to-no single player content, like what initially happened with Street Fighter V.Not long after that, the main villain was revealed to be a Fusion Dance of Marvel's Ultron and Mega Man X's Sigma, and Zero was announced as a returning character. Mega Man X was the very first character shown in the trailer, and thus announced for the game. After the fiascos that had heavily torn the Mega Man fanbase apart over the years, note Such as the complaints about the lack of any variant of Mega Man representing the Mega Man franchise in the previous game ( Tron Bonne and Zero being the only representatives), as well as the controversial decision to include "Bad Box Art" Mega Man as a Joke Character in Street Fighter X Tekken, all in the wake of the cancellation of widely-anticipated games such as Mega Man Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe.
![Marvel vs capcom infinite characters count](https://sign.faraton.info/32.jpg)